Equip Your Airstream Toolbox | shorepower cords

While you’re on the road, especially on family trips, safety should be your number one priority. While equipping your Airstream with our SmartPlug technology is a great way to ensure safety for all passengers, another great safety tip is equipping your Airstream toolbox with the necessary items. Here are some of our must have items to keep in your toolbox at all times: Tools No matter how new or well-constructed your Airstream or RV may be, eventually something will have to be tightened or loosened. Some basic tools to equip you for any of these circumstances are: Socket wrench set: for tightening or loosening bolds and machine nuts Philips head and flat bladed screwdrivers: keep a large, medium, and small size in your toolbox for tightening or loosening screws Small drill bit set: get the kind that works with both metal and wood Cordless drill: and don’t forget to have a spare battery. Adhesives It’s important to keep things together on your Airstream! Adhes...