Away From A Campground, Smartplug Has The Safer Solution | RV Extension Cords

Getting ready for a trip, RV owners routinely cool down the refrigerator, run fans and lights, and top-off batteries. Away from shore power, a traditional cordset won’t work, but SmartPlug’s 15A 115V Dual Configuration Cordset will. It has a standard three-prong household plug on one end and the innovative SmartPlug on the other. It’s the safest way to provide electricity to a trailer or motorhome away from a campground pedestal.

The Dual Configuration Cordset is super flexible and is easily coiled, even in cold weather. It has a blue LED power indicator light that glows when power is on. Completely sealed, it’s available in 4′, 25′ and 50′ lengths.

The revolutionary SmartPlug replaces an outdated, 80-year old invention: the traditional twist-type shore power connector. With double-side locking clips and an asymmetrical shape, it’s easier to use. There is no load or stress on the electrical connection. With more than 20 times the metal-to-metal contact, it provides greater protection against resistance and overheating—the leading causes of power failure and RV fires.

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